Costume For Work

My work costume is different from the one I wore last weekend and that’s only because I went as a character from an HBO show that wasn’t Game of Thrones J

As much as I loved and wanted to be Aimee-Leigh Gemstone for Halloween, that costume was very inside baseball for the most part. So for work, I decided to be something more easily recognizable. 

Last year (and I think 2014 as well) I went to work as a gumball machine, mainly because I spent a full month making that costume so I’ve tried to wear it a few more times. For the office it’s perfect because all those puff balls make it really warm which is great for the freezing office setting! It’s also more work appropriate because you can throw a red cardigan on and it still works. 

Gumball Machine Halloween Costume

This year I decided to be a cactus because we have a phrase at work called “hugging the cactus” which just means owning up to your mistakes and making them right. I thought that sort of inside joke would make a good costume. 

To make this costume, I again went to the thrift store and got a $3 dress. I also got replacement glue sticks for my glue gun at Dollar Tree and pipe cleaners from Michael’s. All I did was take some scissors and cut the pipe cleaners to make the “needles” and I hot glued them onto the dress. It took the length of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to get it to this place. 

Cactus Halloween Costume

For the flower on top, I just went to Dollar Tree and got this birthday party garland and cut one flower off. I got a headband there as well and glued felt to that to act as an anchor and then glued the flower to that. And that's it! Super simple! Happy Halloween!


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