Recent TV I'm Loving
Everything I've watched recently and loved
Love Life (HBO)
This was on the TBS app and then we discovered it's on HBO, so hello no commercials! I love Anna Kendrick in anything and this is no exception. It's a short season with an interesting arc. I especially love the flash back episode where we learn more about how an event in her character's life shaped who she is today. Flash back episodes are always the best.
King of The Hill (Hulu)
I did not like this show as a kid, really. I thought my parents did and that's why we watched it, but recently found out they didn't like it either! So I think we were watching it because we thought the other one liked it? Either way, we started watching this again and I like it much more now that I'm an adult. So much went over my head that it's more enjoyable now.
Untold (Netflix)
I liked the Malice in the Palace episode, but I REALLY liked the Christy Martin episode. I had honestly never heard of her before watching this but her story is so compelling. I wouldn't be surprised if after this we see a movie about this made by the same people who made I, Tonya.
Clickbait (Netflix)
This show started off too slowly for me, but halfway through it seriously picked up! It had me guessing everyone was the killer but ended up being completely unpredictable.
Miracle Workers (TBS and HBO)
It's the comedy version of American Horror Story where there's a core cast, but every season is different. Daniel Radcliffe has RANGE and inspired us to watch more of his non-Harry Potter movies like Horns and Swiss Army Man. Steve Buscemi is flawless as usual. Season 2 - set in the Dark Ages, is my favorite so far, but Season 3 set on the Oregon Trail has the best opener.
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