Decorating When There Are Supply Chain Issues

I keep seeing pictures people post of empty shelves at the store. I'm not sure anyone was actually looking for things for their homes or if they just like browsing, but I honestly don't think lack of variety at Target/Walmart etc. should deter anyone from having good holiday décor. 


Personally, I like everything I make for myself better than what I see at the store. It's usually made better and made to the specifications I prefer. I'll see things I like at Target or Joann's and think, "this is nice, if it weren't for this one thing..."

The only thing about this method of decorating is depending on what it is, it can take a lot of time, which some may not want to sacrifice. For example, the gravestones I made for the yard took so much time. I have no idea how much because I just wanted to do it, but I spent time on them every day in September. However, they came out how I wanted them to and I like them more than anything I could find in the store. 

The other thing is because they take so much time, you have to plan out what you want to do before the month of the holiday in question. I maintain craft stores are the only stores that should be allowed to have holiday stuff out early because it is need. 

Felt Pumpkin Pie Banner
Felt pumpkin pie banner made with basswood as the base to make it sturdier

There are definitely plenty of quick and easy options out there too. Lots of dollar stores and craft stores sell unfinished items you can personalize and it doesn't take a ton of time to complete.

Dollar Tree Painted Ghost Tray

Dollar Tree Painted Tray - Side
I got this unfinished tray from Dollar Tree, spray painted it black,
then painted a few ghosts and a web on the side. I think it took maybe 2 hours total including drying time for the paint.


This one takes some time, but I've found perfectly good items at the thrift stores that fit my taste without having to do anything to them. Other times, some things I find might require gentle modification, like spray paint, but generally, it's not too time consuming. 

I've heard people say they're not creative enough to see the potential in an item that was made for a completely different purpose, but like anything else, it just takes some practice to train yourself to be able to see the possibilities in the merch at the thrift stores. I get a lot of inspiration from others on social media who thrift find décor and by looking at their finds and ideas, I can think expand my thought process on what I might like in my own home and what items could help me achieve that. 

Thrifted Crystal Ball
This crystal ball is actually a terrarium from Savers I got for $3.
I got the green lights from Amazon for about $5.

Books and Music

Simple objects like books and music make great décor! Old vinyl especially because it's large enough to be seen from further away and they make frames specifically for them. Vintage Christmas albums with funky artwork are really easy to find (Halloween is harder, but not impossible). It's also nice to be able to switch out everyday art for something seasonal. 

Thrifted Records For Seasonal Decor
I got the top record from Etsy for $12 and the bottom record from the thrift store for $5

I pull out books from my childhood and special ornate books I've received as gifts and display them depending on the holiday. I either open them up and let them stand on their own, or prop them up in an easel from the craft store. It's a great way for them to get seen more if they're not getting read particularly often. 

Valentines Bookcase - 1

Valentines Bookcase - 2

Lots of options to make your hope special this holiday season! Don't let the supply chain get you down - it's more fun this way anyway!


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