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Quick Valentine's Day Sign

I'm on a kick with vintage-looking Valentine's Day Signs! I got this balsa wood from Joann's a few months ago, but the project I needed it for was better with basswood, so this has just kind of been sitting around. After the Schmigadoon swan , however, I figured I'd try to make another sign, this time, for love potions! I just love anything that has to do with magic. I saw a potions sign from Target (I saw it last Halloween season, but I didn't buy it because I figured at some point I could make it myself - and now I really do feel like I could churn it out quickly!) So I used my Cricut once again to find a font I liked to make stencils. I also found this cute image of a cauldron, so I that out as well.  I painted the wood pink (and honestly, next time I think I'd go even lighter on the pink), and laid out my letters and cauldrons to see where I wanted everything to go. I ended up painting over it once because I just didn't like how it was turning out, so I...

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